Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cassondra's Bandit Booty!

Okay, for everyone who's been so patient with me, here, finally , are my winners for not only December, but January blogs. I DO truly apologize. Unexpected 12-hour days at work, almost every day this month, is my lame excuse.

I'm including an extra little bit for each of you because you've had to wait.

The winner of the Romance Bandits coffee mug from the December blog, "Oh the FLAME of it" is.......mshellion!

The winner of the $5 B&N gift card from the January blog, "Last Chicken Roosting," is....... Maureen!

Drop me an email at Cassondra (underscore) M AT Mindspring Dot Com and I'll get your stuff in the mail immediately. (Put Romance Bandits Booty in the subject line so I'll recognize it as good email. ) THANKS EVERYONE!

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